Local setup

System dependencies

  • postgres 11

Installing application dependencies

yarn run js:install

and then

yarn run rails:install

These will satisfy both the frontend and backend’s dependency requirements.

Setting up the Rails environment

Copy the sample .env.sample file to .env and modify it as needed to fit the project’s settings. At the very least you’ll need to have the POSTGRES_URL and SHARED_POSTGRES_URL env variable.


Setting up the database

yarn run rails:db:create

and then

yarn run rails:db:migrate

These will create the development database and then run the database migration tasks.


The App is using MAXMIND DB to geolocate users. In test and development environment we are using the MaxMind Test DB by default. In order to use real DB you need to download it locally setting MAXMIND_LICENSE_KEY and using rake task db:import_maxmind. Then to use real DB in dev environment you need to run project with env variable MAXMIND_REAL_DB=true.

It is possible to override returned user country code in development mode using env variable CW_USER_COUNTRY_OVERRIDE.

Launching The App

You’ll need to run both the rails server and the webpack server, which will be used internally by rails. Run, separately:

yarn run rails:server


yarn run js:server

Point your browser to http://localhost:3000/. Ta-da!

Launching the app with docker

docker-compose up Ta-da!


This project uses Terraform as an infrastructure as code solution to deploy to AWS. All this code can be found in the /infrastructure folder.

It’s worth noting that the infrastructure includes an AWS EC2 server that is partially configured by Terraform, but that requires additional setup. You can find more details in the /infrastructure/templates/server_setup.sh.tpl file.