Global maps generation

Here you will find useful guidance to generate global maps for the application (Explore pages)

Geometries are stored in the world-50m-topo.json file. You can generate the geometries with this jupyter link.

Global maps are different for China, India and rest of the world. Be sure to generate the different files as specified on the jupyter notebook.


The location is detected by IP with a Maxmind service and the maps are displayed accordingly.

The App is using MAXMIND DB to geolocate users. In test and development environment we are using the MaxMind Test DB by default. In order to use real DB you need to download it locally setting MAXMIND_LICENSE_KEY and using rake task db:import_maxmind. Then to use real DB in dev environment you need to run project with env variable MAXMIND_REAL_DB=true.

It is possible to override returned user country code in development mode using env variable CW_USER_COUNTRY_OVERRIDE.

TODO: Add more information about the maxmind service on the backend